My flickr pictures

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Polling Place Photo Project

Thanks to my trusty VSL newsletter, I was informed about the NYT Polling Place Photo Project in time to play an active role in history. I had planned on attending the caucus tonight anyway, so it didn't take a whole lot of convincing to bring along my camera.

The idea behind the polling project is fairly simple:
The Polling Place Photo Project is a nationwide experiment in citizen journalism that encourages voters to capture, post and share photographs of this year’s primaries, caucuses and general election. By documenting local voting experiences, participants can contribute to an archive of photographs that captures the richness and complexity of voting in America.

This was my first caucus, and although I didn't stay till the end, I did linger long enough to soak up the energy in the room. There was definitely a buzz in the air, and you could get a genuine sense that this is what the U.S. is all about -- every age, race, and socioeconomic status coming together to make their voices heard. It's a brilliant idea.

I snapped a few photos for the project, but didn't want to be overly obtrusive since voting can be a very private experience for some people.

Two highlights from the night:
1. Seeing Al Franken
2. Overhearing a teenager whine, "Mommy, I want to go vote now."


Anonymous said...

Did you think after seeing Al Franken that he must live in your precinct - could be a neighbor.

gomattolson said...

Actually, Al grew up in SLP, so he used to be my neighbor (if I would have lived here 50 years ago).

Brad said...

We were at the same caucus, but my precinct was crammed into the third floor hallway.